Cloud APIM Open-source

As you may know, Cloud APIM is a company rooted in open-source software culture and is heavily based on open-source projects. It's founders are long time open-source users, contributors and patrons. Otoroshi itself is an open-source project under Apache 2 licence and Cloud APIM is by far the biggest contributor on the project. Actually, the creator of Otoroshi is one of the founders of Cloud APIM and still pushes code on the Otoroshi repository.

As Cloud APIM is building a lot of tools around Otoroshi, we will try to give back to the community as soon as possible by making those tools available to everyone on our Github organization and continuing to contribute and lead the Otoroshi project forward.

the otoroshi-llm-extension logo

Otoroshi LLM Extension

A set of Otoroshi plugins to interact with LLMs.

otoroshictl provides a strong Cloud APIM integration and let you use your Cloud APIM managed clusters with ease.

You can try the Otoroshi LLM Extension from its GitHub page or read the documentation.

the otoroshictl logo


A very nice CLI tool to control your Otoroshi clusters with style without losing your mind.

otoroshictl provides a strong Cloud APIM integration and let you use your Cloud APIM managed clusters with ease.

You can try the otoroshictl CLI from its GitHub page or read the documentation.

the otoroshi-plugin-dynamic-js-modules logo

Dynamic JS Modules

This project provides a new kind of Otoroshi plugin that let you run Javascript embbeded in a WASM runtime without the compilation phase that is mandatory with the classic WASM plugin

with the Dynamic Javascript Module plugin you just have to specify the name of the module and where to get it and you're fine

You can try Dynamic Javascript Module plugin from its GitHub page.

the otoroshi-plugin-mailer logo

Mailer plugin

This project provides a single plugin that transforms a route into an asynchronous REST API to send emails.

This plugin uses an SMTP server of your choice to actually send the emails.

You can try the Mailer plugin from its GitHub page.